Ориентация0-я Колонка - на визуальном верхе образа, и 0-я колонна является визуальной левой стороной
Устройство Резолюции2
Программное обеспечениеACD Systems Digital Imaging
Дата Потребовалась2010:04:24 13:13:22
ПОЗИЦИОНИРОВАНИЕ YCbCrотцентрированное
Цветовое пространство65535
Ширина изображения1042
Длина изображения709
IPTC. Заголовок"I was once filming sharks off the coast of South Africa. I'd just shot Great Whites from a cage and then the film crew decided that they needed a shot of a dead shark in a shark net. We motored over the to coast and they dropped me in the water. It was dark and green and full of little tiny stinging jelly fish. The dead shark was around 4m at least and the boat had dumped me on the wrong side of the net – the open water side. Diving solo made me a little jumpy and the stings that I got that day were still open sores weeks later. However after reading about Paul Nicklen's adventures my own sound very dull..."