Ориентация0-я Колонка - на визуальном верхе образа, и 0-я колонна является визуальной левой стороной
Устройство Резолюции2
Программное обеспечениеACD Systems Digital Imaging
Дата Потребовалась2010:04:24 13:13:06
ПОЗИЦИОНИРОВАНИЕ YCbCrотцентрированное
Ширина изображения773
Длина изображения939
IPTC. Заголовок"It was the water that came first to me rather than the photography and now that I'm a photographer its hard to extract the water... All my kit and everything I know is about working below the surface so to remove the water would be like changing horses in the middle of a race. You see I've worked underwater from the start and so its all very normal for me. Babies, animals, celebrities – its all in a days work. If I had to do a shoot dry then I would struggle."