Ориентация0-я Колонка - на визуальном верхе образа, и 0-я колонна является визуальной левой стороной
Устройство Резолюции2
Программное обеспечениеACD Systems Digital Imaging
Дата Потребовалась2010:04:24 13:09:47
ПОЗИЦИОНИРОВАНИЕ YCbCrотцентрированное
Ширина изображения1039
Длина изображения683
IPTC. Заголовок"By the time I was 20 I'd already been a SCUBA instructor for a couple of years and always looking for the next challenge I applied for a job as an underwater videographer. I spent so much time underwater that the diving became instinctive and really just another mode of transport like driving to work every morning. I remember regularly just hanging around underwater, alone and feeling mesmerized by the beauty and excitement of perhaps seeing a huge pelagic creature swim by. I like solitary, open spaces and the ocean environment is nothing but that."