Ориентация0-я Колонка - на визуальном верхе образа, и 0-я колонна является визуальной левой стороной
Устройство Резолюции2
Программное обеспечениеACD Systems Digital Imaging
Дата Потребовалась2010:04:24 13:09:13
ПОЗИЦИОНИРОВАНИЕ YCbCrотцентрированное
Ширина изображения1042
Длина изображения670
IPTC. Заголовок<b>Zena Holloway</b> is an underwater photographer based out of London. Zena's images are a breathtaking combination of brilliant underwater photography techniques and wondrous creativity, all driven by a deep understanding of her medium - water. At the young age of 18, Zena traveled the world working as a scuba instructor. Her love for the waters took her to entirely new depths and developed in her the passion for underwater photography and film. She has won numerous awards for her work and has been published in National Geographic, The Sunday Times, Dazed and Confused & more recently, FT How to Spend It magazine.